Welcome to the Shire of Lyndhaven

We are a local branch of a group known as the “Society for Creative Anachronism” (SCA), which is an organization dedicated to the study and recreation of the middle ages (pre-1600AD). Here you can dress up in clothing from the Middle Ages and Renaissance and attend events which feature tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes & workshops, and more.

Our local group, the Shire of Lyndhaven, mostly encompasses areas north and west in New Brunswick with most activities taking place around Woodstock, Fredericton and Saint John. For this in NB closer to Moncton and Sackville, please also visit the shire of Avonmore.

Interested in learning more about the SCA? Go to our page for those who are New to the SCA, to find out more!

If you have any questions about local activities, or otherwise, please feel free to contact either the seneschal (seneschal@lyndhaven.eastkingdom.org) or the chatelaine (chatelaine@lyndhaven.eastkingdom.org)

This is the official website for The Shire of Lyndhaven of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Amalia Von-Ostrand who may be contacted at 208971@members.eastkingdom.org. This site may contain non-authoritative copies of some SCA policy documents; to be sure you are viewing the complete and current version, consult sca.org or the originating office directly. This site may include links to external pages which are not maintained by the SCA; such links do not represent an endorsement, and the SCA is not responsible for the content of those pages. Copyright ©2023 The Shire of Lyndhaven . Please respect the rights of our contributors, who retain copyright to certain portions of this site. For permission to use photographs, articles, or artwork from this site, contact the Webminister.