New officers and other updates

The shire has recently gone through a change in officers with some leaving, some staying, and some taking on new offices. Thank you all for the time and effort you put into your jobs, or plan to put in. Without volunteers like you, we would be so much less.
As we did not have multiple offers for any office, we simply changed hands this spring.

Lady Inga Thorgansdottir has stepped up as our new seneschal, Lady Achsa de Beresford offered to continue on as exchequer as well as Magister D’Unstable Peregrinator continuing on as the shire’s A&S minister.
Meesteres Mergriet van Wijenhorst will be temporarily standing in as webminister.

As Middleground did not happen this year, the annual general meeting (AGM) that usually happens during the event did not take place either. Given the difficulties of getting everyone together, it was decided that the AGM will be postponed until a later date.